60 years of Jugend forscht: Physics Department and the ECAP Laboratory as stage for young science talents

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Raketenauto – Ein Projekt von Milan Vujanic (12), Anton Best (11), Miriam Lingen (12) vom Christian-Ernst-Gymnasium Erlangen FAU Jugend forscht, 26.02.2025©Giulia Iannicelli

This year’s “Jugend forscht” regional competition for Middle Franconia was special in more ways than one: on the one hand, the competition celebrated its 60th anniversary, and on the other, the Department of Physics at the FAU was able to host the event for the second time – and once again it was an impressive experience.
On 25 and 26 February, everything revolved around the innovative projects of the young researchers. In the experimental hall of theECAP Laboratory, they enthusiastically presented their work to a panel of experts. Whether it was amazing experiments, creative solutions or in-depth analyses, the participants impressed with their enthusiasm for science and research. Each presentation was an opportunity to inspire not only the jury, but also other young researchers and guests.

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