ECAP Seminar: Olivier Hainaut

ECAP, room 307 Erwin-Rommel-Str 1, Erlangen, Germany

Satellite Constellations & Astronomy: What is the problem? What are we doing about it? In recent years, large satellite constellations have been launched into low-Earth orbit to provide low-latency, global communication coverage. As a result, the number of satellites in orbit has surged from approximately 2,500 to over 10,000, raising...

ECAP Seminar: Eli Kasai

Physikum, Hörsaal HF Staudtstr. 5, Erlangen, Germany

Optical spectroscopy and imaging of blazars for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory Blazars are the brightest persistent sources in the high-energy and very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray sky. Because their UV/optical radiation is often dominated by non-thermal, and, in the case of BL Lacs, featureless continuum radiation, the determination of their redshift...

ECAP Seminar: Katarzyna Nowak

ECAP Laboratory, 00.061 Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 2, Erlangen, Germany

Finding evidence for self-enrichment and supermassive stars in forming globular clusters Self-enrichment is one of the leading explanations for chemical anomalies in globular clusters. In this scenario, a polluter star enriches a forming cluster with its yields, likely ejecting radioactive 26Al into its surroundings. Young massive star clusters, as potential...

ECAP Seminar: Elisa Pueschel

ECAP Laboratory, 00.061 Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 2, Erlangen, Germany

Probing the Finely-Resolved 100 TeV Gamma-Ray Sky for Ultra-Heavy Dark Matter - Dark100 abstract TBA