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Astroparticle Physics


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School for astroparticle physics



Category: News

We are happy to host Professor Tim Linden for a 1-year sabbatical at ECAP. Prof. Linden works primarily on the detection of indirect signals from dark matter annihilation in the universe. He is interested in using neutron stars as probes for new physics, has worked extensively on the astrophysic...

Category: News, Top News

Detection with the Deep-Sea Telescope KM3NeT from the abyss of the Mediterranean Sea From the abyss of the Mediterranean Sea, scientists including astroparticle physicists from the ECAP at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, used the KM3NeT neutr...

Category: News

The KM3NeT Collaboration has exciting news to report! Please join us Wednesday, 12 February at 4:50 p.m. CET to know more. The webinar will be streamed on the KM3NeT YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/live/2jgyZlBpkl8?si=qSwkKHynETOZ_xbA ECAP Contact: