ECAP mini-series: Exploring Extreme Gravity

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During the next few weeks, ECAP will be hosting a series of talks on the physics of gravity in extreme environments. Distinguished speakers will be presenting about the exploration of gravity with future instruments and its relation to multi-messenger observations.

The presentations will take place via Zoom on varying days. Further information can be found on the Indico page. The scheduled talks are also listed below and will be updated with new speakers and topics in the coming days.

LISA – Bringing the Gravitational Wave Revolution to Space

April 12: Dr. Ira Thorpe (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)


Infrared Interferometry of the Galactic Center Black Hole

April 15: Dr. Frank Eisenhauer (Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics)


Gravitational waves in a new light

May 21: Michèle Heurs (AEI Hannover)