
ECAP Seminar

The ECAP Seminar takes place usually every week during the lecture period in the ECAP Lab seminar room. Special seminar dates and times marked in bold.

Winter Term 2024/25

October 3113:00Jonas NeuserECAP, FAU Erlangen-NurembergBlack hole evaporation and quantum gravity
November 1413:00Olivier HainautESO
December 513:00Eli KasaiUNAM
December 1213:00Kasia NowakUniversity of Hertfordshire
January 2313:00Elisa PueschelRuhr-Universität Bochum

Summer Term 2024

April 2513:00Atreya AcharyyaUniversity of Southern DenmarkRecent Highlights from the VERITAS AGN Program
May 1612:30Katharina BreiningerFAU Erlangen-NurembergImproving our understanding of machine learning robustness – in microscopy and beyond
May 2313:00Lucy FortsonUniversity of MinessotaMuon Hunting with the Crowd: Combining Humans and Machines to Solve Big Data Problems
June 613:00Ekaterina MakarenkoUniversity of CologneThermal X-ray emission from supernova remnants in 3D (M)HD simulations
June 713:00Philipp FrankMPA, GarchingSignal reconstruction for fields using probabilistic forward modeling
June 2713:00Martin MayerDr Karl Remeis Observatory, ECAP, FAURotation-powered pulsars and their nebulae – the eROSITA view
July 1113:00Galina LipunovaMPIfRA, BonnModeling the outbursts of X-ray transients
September 1213:00Christopher Burger-ScheidlinDublin Institute for Advanced StudiesIntricacies of searching for supernova remnants at (very) high energies off the Galactic plane

Winter Term 2023/24

October 1913:00Christoph WenigerGRAPPA, AmsterdamLow-cost high-fidelity data analysis with simulation-based inference
October 2613:00Jamie HolderBartol, DelawareSpace Lasers and Aliens: Searching for optical transients with Gamma-ray Light Buckets
November 1613:00Denys MalyshevUniversity of TübingenSearch for primordial black hole dark matter with X-ray satellites and prospects for future missions
November 2313:00Esra BulbulMPE, GarchingFirst Results from the eROSITA All-Sky Survey: An Open Window to Precision Cosmology
November 3013:00Heinrich PäsTU DortmundNeutrinos, Quantum Gravity and the Big Questions – New Ideas for New Data
December 513:00Carlos ArguellesHarvard UniversityNews from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and Related Phenomenology
December 1413:00Cosmio NigroIFAECommunity, Standardisation, and Reproducibility: does open-source software help advancing high-energy astrophysics?
January 1113:00Lucy OswaldUniversity of OxfordPulsar polarization: explanations and applications
January 1715:00Florian MarquardtMPL, ErlangenMachine Learning: from Quantum Technologies to Neuromorphic Devices
January 1813:00Mirco HuennefeldTU DortmundEvidence for high-energy neutrinos from the Galactic plane
January 2513:00Gabrijela ZaharijasNova Goritza University, SloveniaLooking for dark matter in gamma rays – can machine learning help?
February 113:30Malte GöttscheRWTH AachenCivilian and military use of nuclear technology
March 1114:00Ellis OwenOsaka University Exploring the signatures of cosmic ray feedback effects in galaxy ecosystems

Summer Term 2023

June 1513:00James MatthewsUniversity of OxfordUltrahigh energy cosmic rays: an origin story
July 2013:00Benedetta CiardiMPA, GarchingModeling and Observations of Cosmic Reionization 

 Winter Term 2022/23

October 2713:00Miguel Sanchez-CondeUniversidad Autónoma de MadridDark satellites as cosmological probes and gamma-ray dark matter targets
November 2413:00Alba DomiECAPQuantum Gravity Searches with Neutrino Telescopes
December 813:00Jost MigendaKing’s College LondonObserving Supernova Neutrinos with Hyper-Kamiokande and SNEWS 2.0
January 1213:00Norbert WernerMasaryk UniversityMonitoring the High-Energy Sky with Small Satellites
January 1913:00Georg Hager, Johannes VehRRZENews from NHR@FAU – Fritz, Alex and Woody
January 2613:00Kathryn KreckelARI/ZAH HeidelbergResolving the Baryon Cycle within Nearby Galaxies
February 913:00Lauren RhodesUniversity of OxfordMWL observations of GRBs

Summer Term 2022

April 2713:00Kay Graf, Stefan FunkECAPNew ECAP Lab information
May 1213:00Silvia CelliLa Sapienza University of RomeOn the radiation signatures of Galactic PeVatrons: the gamma-ray and neutrino perspective
May 1914:00Brian HareUniversity of GroningenRevealing Lightning with the LOFAR radio telescope
June 213:15Patrick GröschelFAUMulti-path tolerant beacon localization using a high antenna-count receiver
June 2313:00Prasenjit SahaUniversity of ZurichNext-generation optical interferometry, or the return of Hanbury Brown and Twiss
June 3013:00Juergen SchmittHamburger SternwarteThe stellar content of the eROSITA all-sky survey
July 713:00Felix KlingDESYLooking forward to exciting physics with FASER

Winter Term 2021/22

October 2113:00Kay GrafECAPThe ECAP Laboratory
November 413:00Christian GlaserUppsala UniversityRadio Detection of High Energy Neutrinos and Deep Learning
December 213:00Georg LamerAIPTwo years of eROSITA all-sky surveys: The variable X-ray sky
December 1711:00Alberto DominguezComplutense University of MadridGalaxy evolution and cosmology using gamma rays observed with Fermi-LAT
January 1313:00Hans DembinskiTU DortmundThe Muon Puzzle in cosmic-ray induced air showers and its connection to the LHC
January 2713:00Hao ZhouSJTU, ChinaRecent highlights from the LHAASO observatory
February 1013:00Michael StelzigInstitute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT), FAURadar based exploration of subglacial structures

Summer Term 2021

April 2213:00Ruben Lopez CotoINFN PadovaTeV Halos and their connection to the local Leptonic Cosmic Ray flux
April  2913:00Raimund StraussTU MünchenCoherent neutrino scattering: from experimental challenges to new frontiers in neutrino physics
May 613:00Maryam ModjazNew York UniversityStellar Forensics with the Most Powerful Explosions in the Universe
June 1013:00Alexander KappesWWU MünsterRecent results from IceCube and the future of neutrino astronomy at the South Pole
June 1713:00Rodrigo Guedes LangECAPOrigin of UHECR: current status of a decades-long open question
June 2413:00Katharina-Sophie IsleifDESY, HamburgLight-Shining-Through-A-Wall: The ALPS II experiment at DESY

Summer Term 2020

June 1813:00Dieter HornsHamburg UniversityThe Crab nebula and pulsar – particle acceleration at the limit
July 213:00Muhammad KasimOxford UniversityUp to two billion times acceleration of scientific simulations with deep neural architecture search
July 3013:00Anita ReimerInnsbruck UniversityIdentifying sources of high-energy neutrinos of the AGN type: A theoretical approach

Winter Term 2019/20

Nov 713:00Sebastian BöserMainz UniversityProject 8 – towards a radio frequency measurement of the neutrino mass
Dec 513:00Eckhard SturmMPE, GarchingGRAVITY project: IR interferometry
Dec 1213:00Jörg HörandelNijmegen UniversityMeasuring the properties of cosmic rays with the radio technique
Jan 913:00Klaus DeschBonn UniversityAxions from Sun? Exploring the low-energy frontier with the IAXO experiment
Jan 1613:00Jim HintonMPIK, HeidelbergHAWC / SWGO
Jan 2313:00Brian RevilleMPIK, Heidelberg Cosmic-ray acceleration – limits and laboratories

Summer Term 2019

May 213:00Thorsten EnßlinMPIA, GarchingInformation field theory – turning data into images
Jun 613:00Lee ThompsonUniversity of SheffieldHyperKamiokande: a next generation long baseline neutrino experiment in Japan
Jun 1313:00Christian GlaserUC IrvineRadio detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos
Jun 2713:00Andreas HaungsKIT, KarlsruheCosmic rays between the knee and the ankle
Jul 413:00Iris GebauerKIT, KarlsruheIndirect Dark Matter Searches and Cosmic Ray Transport in the Era of AMS
Jul 1113:00Sara BusonUniversität WürzburgHigh-energy neutrinos from AGN?
Jul 1813:00Siegfried GlenzerStanford UniversityExploring extreme states of matter with an ultra-bright X-ray free-electron laser
Jul 2513:00Markus DemleitnerZAH HeidelbergThe VO And Why It Matters To You

Winter Term 2018/19

Nov 2213:00Anna FranckowiakDESY, ZeuthenSearching for electromagnetic counterparts to high-energy neutrinos
Dec 1313:00Thomas HeidECAPCharacterizing the diffuse neutrino flux with the future KM3NeT/ARCA detector (PhD defense)
Dec 2013:00Florian KühnelKTH StockholmPrimordial Black Holes as Dark Matter
Jan 1013:00Klaus HelbingUniversität WuppertalProbing Particle Physics with IceCube
Jan 3113:00Joachim PulsLMU MünchenOn the difficulties to derive reliable CNO abundances in hot massive stars
Feb 713:00Marijke HaverkornRadboud University NijmegenThe Magnetic Field of the Milky Way
Feb 1413:00Takaaki TanakaKyoto UniversityRecent Results from X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants

Summer Term 2018

Apr 2513:00Christoph WenigerGRAPPA, AmsterdamDark matter searches with gamma rays
May 213:00Kay Graf & Stefan FunkECAPNews from the ECAP laboratory
May 1613:00Thomas JankaMPIA Garching3D core-collapse supernova modeling and applications to Cas A and other supernova remnants
May 2312:30Henning GastRWTH AachenLatest results from the AMS experiment on the International Space Station
May 3013:00Oliver HupePTB BraunschweigRadiation Protection Dosimetry: Phantoms and measuring quantities
Jun 613:00Michael SchulreichTU BerlinReconstructing the origin of the Local Bubble and Loop I via radioisotopic signatures on Earth
Jun 1313:00Adrian ZinkECAPUpdates of the ECAP desktop computing system
Jun 2013:00Frank HaberlMPE GarchingThe XMM-Newton surveys of the Magellanic Clouds
Jun 2713:00Bosco OruruMakerere University, UgandaStatus of Astronomy in East Africa: Focus on Uganda
Jul 413:00Gisela Anton / Joern WilmsECAPStatus report on IceCube-Gen2 / eROSITA
Jul 1114:00Andrea SantangeloIAA TübingenFundamental Physics studies with X-ray spectral-timing-polarimetry and the eXTP mission

Winter Term 2017/18

Oct 1813:00Anatoli FedynitchDESY, ZeuthenState-of-the-art atmospheric lepton flux Tools
Nov 2213:00Stefan JordanZAH HeidelbergThe Gaia Mission – Overview, First Results, and future prospects
Nov 2913:00Chris BelczynskiCopernicus Center WarsawThe Astrophysics of BH-BH/NS-NS Mergers with LIGO/Virgo
Dec 1313:00Jochen GreinerMPE GarchingThe gravitational wave detection of a binary neutron star merger: expectations, surprises, and prospects
Dec 2013:00Marek KowalskiHumboldt-University BerlinA new era in multi-messenger astronomy
Jan 2413:00Arne RauMPE GarchingOverview of Athena and the Wide Field Imager
Jan 3113:00Christian MotchObservatoire Astronomique StrasbourgSVOM – Space-based multiband astronomical Variable Objects Monitor
Feb 115:00Thorsten LiskerZAH HeidelbergSurvival in galaxy clusters: from ultra-diffuse to ultra-compact objects

Summer Term 2017

April 2613:00Abigail StevensUniversity of AmsterdamComparing origins of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations with spectral timing
May 1013:00Stefan GeißelsöderECAPPattern recognition and deep learning
May 1713:00Kathrin ValeriusKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyStatus and prospects of direct neutrino mass searches: News from KATRIN and outlook on future projects
May 2311:00Jakob van SantenDESY, ZeuthenWhat’s new in IceCube?
May 2413:00Andrii NeronovEPFL, LausanneGalactic and extragalactic contributions to the astrophysical neutrino flux
May 3113:00Francesco LongoTrieste, INFNGRB observations at High and Very High Energy
June 713:00Philipp MertschRWTH AachenCosmic ray anisotropies: unravelling sources and transport
June 1413:00Alexander FieguthUniversität MünsterXENON1T & the challenge of direct dark matter detection
June 2113:00Harm SchoorlemmerMPI-K HeidelbergObserving the TeV gamma-ray sky with the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory
June 2813:00Livia LudhovaForschungszentrum JülichJUNO: the first multi-kton liquid scintillator based neutrino detector
July 610:00Francois BrunUniversité de Bordeaux / CNRSThe H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey
July 1213:00Laura SpitlerMPIfR BonnFast radio bursts
July 1912:00  ECAP Sommerfest
July 2613:00Stefan Funk / Uli KatzECAPStatus report on CTA / KM3NeT

Winter Term 2016/17

Oct. 2613:00Julian RautenbergUniversität WuppertalRadio detection of cosmic-ray air showers
Nov. 2313:00Timo KargDESY, ZeuthenIceCube: future vision and R&D
Nov. 3013:00Axel SchwoieAIP PotsdamThe Polars (still crazy after all those years)
Dec. 0713:00Daniel KümpelRWTH AachenHunting for ultra-high energy photons
Dec. 1413:00Stefan KlepserDESY, ZeuthenThe Population of Galactic TeV Plerions and a Major Electronics Upgrade for H.E.S.S.
Dec. 2113:00Walter AssmannTU MünchenThe sound of protons – ionoacoustic range monitoring in proton therapy
Jan. 1113:00Michael WurmJGU MainzTen years of Borexino: from solar to sterile neutrinos
Jan. 2513:00Christoph PfrommerHeidelberg Institute for Theoretical StudiesCosmic ray feedback in galaxies and AGN
Feb. 0113:00Thomas ReiprichArgelander Institut BonnGalaxy Clusters