ECAP Seminar
The ECAP Seminar takes place usually every week during the lecture period in the ECAP Lab seminar room. Special seminar dates and times marked in bold.
Winter Term 2024/25
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
October 31 | 13:00 | Jonas Neuser | ECAP, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg | Black hole evaporation and quantum gravity |
November 14 | 13:00 | Olivier Hainaut | ESO | Satellite Constellations & Astronomy: What is the problem? What are we doing about it? |
December 5 | 13:00 | Eli Kasai | UNAM | Optical spectroscopy and imaging of blazars for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory |
December 12 | 13:00 | Katarzyna Nowak | University of Hertfordshire | Finding evidence for self-enrichment and supermassive stars in forming globular clusters |
January 9 | 13:00 | Sebastian Schoenen | ControlExpert | From Research to Practice: Applying Artificial Intelligence in the Insurance Industry |
January 23 | 13:00 | Elisa Pueschel | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Dark Matter Searches with VERITAS and Dark100 |
February 6 | 13:00 | Foteini Oikonomou | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Ultra-high energy cosmic rays: Constraints on the maximum-energy distribution of the sources and the possible role of ultra-fast outflows in active galactic nuclei |
Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2023/24
Summer Term 2023
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
June 15 | 13:00 | James Matthews | University of Oxford | Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays: an origin story |
July 20 | 13:00 | Benedetta Ciardi | MPA, Garching | Modeling and Observations of Cosmic Reionization |
Winter Term 2022/23
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
October 27 | 13:00 | Miguel Sanchez-Conde | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Dark satellites as cosmological probes and gamma-ray dark matter targets |
November 24 | 13:00 | Alba Domi | ECAP | Quantum Gravity Searches with Neutrino Telescopes |
December 8 | 13:00 | Jost Migenda | King’s College London | Observing Supernova Neutrinos with Hyper-Kamiokande and SNEWS 2.0 |
January 12 | 13:00 | Norbert Werner | Masaryk University | Monitoring the High-Energy Sky with Small Satellites |
January 19 | 13:00 | Georg Hager, Johannes Veh | RRZE | News from NHR@FAU – Fritz, Alex and Woody |
January 26 | 13:00 | Kathryn Kreckel | ARI/ZAH Heidelberg | Resolving the Baryon Cycle within Nearby Galaxies |
February 9 | 13:00 | Lauren Rhodes | University of Oxford | MWL observations of GRBs |
Summer Term 2022
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
April 27 | 13:00 | Kay Graf, Stefan Funk | ECAP | New ECAP Lab information |
May 12 | 13:00 | Silvia Celli | La Sapienza University of Rome | On the radiation signatures of Galactic PeVatrons: the gamma-ray and neutrino perspective |
May 19 | 14:00 | Brian Hare | University of Groningen | Revealing Lightning with the LOFAR radio telescope |
June 2 | 13:15 | Patrick Gröschel | FAU | Multi-path tolerant beacon localization using a high antenna-count receiver |
June 23 | 13:00 | Prasenjit Saha | University of Zurich | Next-generation optical interferometry, or the return of Hanbury Brown and Twiss |
June 30 | 13:00 | Juergen Schmitt | Hamburger Sternwarte | The stellar content of the eROSITA all-sky survey |
July 7 | 13:00 | Felix Kling | DESY | Looking forward to exciting physics with FASER |
Winter Term 2021/22
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
October 21 | 13:00 | Kay Graf | ECAP | The ECAP Laboratory |
November 4 | 13:00 | Christian Glaser | Uppsala University | Radio Detection of High Energy Neutrinos and Deep Learning |
December 2 | 13:00 | Georg Lamer | AIP | Two years of eROSITA all-sky surveys: The variable X-ray sky |
December 17 | 11:00 | Alberto Dominguez | Complutense University of Madrid | Galaxy evolution and cosmology using gamma rays observed with Fermi-LAT |
January 13 | 13:00 | Hans Dembinski | TU Dortmund | The Muon Puzzle in cosmic-ray induced air showers and its connection to the LHC |
January 27 | 13:00 | Hao Zhou | SJTU, China | Recent highlights from the LHAASO observatory |
February 10 | 13:00 | Michael Stelzig | Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT), FAU | Radar based exploration of subglacial structures |
Summer Term 2021
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
April 22 | 13:00 | Ruben Lopez Coto | INFN Padova | TeV Halos and their connection to the local Leptonic Cosmic Ray flux |
April 29 | 13:00 | Raimund Strauss | TU München | Coherent neutrino scattering: from experimental challenges to new frontiers in neutrino physics |
May 6 | 13:00 | Maryam Modjaz | New York University | Stellar Forensics with the Most Powerful Explosions in the Universe |
June 10 | 13:00 | Alexander Kappes | WWU Münster | Recent results from IceCube and the future of neutrino astronomy at the South Pole |
June 17 | 13:00 | Rodrigo Guedes Lang | ECAP | Origin of UHECR: current status of a decades-long open question |
June 24 | 13:00 | Katharina-Sophie Isleif | DESY, Hamburg | Light-Shining-Through-A-Wall: The ALPS II experiment at DESY |
Summer Term 2020
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
June 18 | 13:00 | Dieter Horns | Hamburg University | The Crab nebula and pulsar – particle acceleration at the limit |
July 2 | 13:00 | Muhammad Kasim | Oxford University | Up to two billion times acceleration of scientific simulations with deep neural architecture search |
July 30 | 13:00 | Anita Reimer | Innsbruck University | Identifying sources of high-energy neutrinos of the AGN type: A theoretical approach |
Winter Term 2019/20
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
Nov 7 | 13:00 | Sebastian Böser | Mainz University | Project 8 – towards a radio frequency measurement of the neutrino mass |
Dec 5 | 13:00 | Eckhard Sturm | MPE, Garching | GRAVITY project: IR interferometry |
Dec 12 | 13:00 | Jörg Hörandel | Nijmegen University | Measuring the properties of cosmic rays with the radio technique |
Jan 9 | 13:00 | Klaus Desch | Bonn University | Axions from Sun? Exploring the low-energy frontier with the IAXO experiment |
Jan 16 | 13:00 | Jim Hinton | MPIK, Heidelberg | HAWC / SWGO |
Jan 23 | 13:00 | Brian Reville | MPIK, Heidelberg | Cosmic-ray acceleration – limits and laboratories |
Summer Term 2019
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
May 2 | 13:00 | Thorsten Enßlin | MPIA, Garching | Information field theory – turning data into images |
Jun 6 | 13:00 | Lee Thompson | University of Sheffield | HyperKamiokande: a next generation long baseline neutrino experiment in Japan |
Jun 13 | 13:00 | Christian Glaser | UC Irvine | Radio detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos |
Jun 27 | 13:00 | Andreas Haungs | KIT, Karlsruhe | Cosmic rays between the knee and the ankle |
Jul 4 | 13:00 | Iris Gebauer | KIT, Karlsruhe | Indirect Dark Matter Searches and Cosmic Ray Transport in the Era of AMS |
Jul 11 | 13:00 | Sara Buson | Universität Würzburg | High-energy neutrinos from AGN? |
Jul 18 | 13:00 | Siegfried Glenzer | Stanford University | Exploring extreme states of matter with an ultra-bright X-ray free-electron laser |
Jul 25 | 13:00 | Markus Demleitner | ZAH Heidelberg | The VO And Why It Matters To You |
Winter Term 2018/19
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
Nov 22 | 13:00 | Anna Franckowiak | DESY, Zeuthen | Searching for electromagnetic counterparts to high-energy neutrinos |
Dec 13 | 13:00 | Thomas Heid | ECAP | Characterizing the diffuse neutrino flux with the future KM3NeT/ARCA detector (PhD defense) |
Dec 20 | 13:00 | Florian Kühnel | KTH Stockholm | Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter |
Jan 10 | 13:00 | Klaus Helbing | Universität Wuppertal | Probing Particle Physics with IceCube |
Jan 31 | 13:00 | Joachim Puls | LMU München | On the difficulties to derive reliable CNO abundances in hot massive stars |
Feb 7 | 13:00 | Marijke Haverkorn | Radboud University Nijmegen | The Magnetic Field of the Milky Way |
Feb 14 | 13:00 | Takaaki Tanaka | Kyoto University | Recent Results from X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants |
Summer Term 2018
Winter Term 2017/18
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
Oct 18 | 13:00 | Anatoli Fedynitch | DESY, Zeuthen | State-of-the-art atmospheric lepton flux Tools |
Nov 22 | 13:00 | Stefan Jordan | ZAH Heidelberg | The Gaia Mission – Overview, First Results, and future prospects |
Nov 29 | 13:00 | Chris Belczynski | Copernicus Center Warsaw | The Astrophysics of BH-BH/NS-NS Mergers with LIGO/Virgo |
Dec 13 | 13:00 | Jochen Greiner | MPE Garching | The gravitational wave detection of a binary neutron star merger: expectations, surprises, and prospects |
Dec 20 | 13:00 | Marek Kowalski | Humboldt-University Berlin | A new era in multi-messenger astronomy |
Jan 24 | 13:00 | Arne Rau | MPE Garching | Overview of Athena and the Wide Field Imager |
Jan 31 | 13:00 | Christian Motch | Observatoire Astronomique Strasbourg | SVOM – Space-based multiband astronomical Variable Objects Monitor |
Feb 1 | 15:00 | Thorsten Lisker | ZAH Heidelberg | Survival in galaxy clusters: from ultra-diffuse to ultra-compact objects |
Summer Term 2017
Winter Term 2016/17
Date | Time | Speaker | Institute | Topic |
Oct. 26 | 13:00 | Julian Rautenberg | Universität Wuppertal | Radio detection of cosmic-ray air showers |
Nov. 23 | 13:00 | Timo Karg | DESY, Zeuthen | IceCube: future vision and R&D |
Nov. 30 | 13:00 | Axel Schwoie | AIP Potsdam | The Polars (still crazy after all those years) |
Dec. 07 | 13:00 | Daniel Kümpel | RWTH Aachen | Hunting for ultra-high energy photons |
Dec. 14 | 13:00 | Stefan Klepser | DESY, Zeuthen | The Population of Galactic TeV Plerions and a Major Electronics Upgrade for H.E.S.S. |
Dec. 21 | 13:00 | Walter Assmann | TU München | The sound of protons – ionoacoustic range monitoring in proton therapy |
Jan. 11 | 13:00 | Michael Wurm | JGU Mainz | Ten years of Borexino: from solar to sterile neutrinos |
Jan. 25 | 13:00 | Christoph Pfrommer | Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies | Cosmic ray feedback in galaxies and AGN |
Feb. 01 | 13:00 | Thomas Reiprich | Argelander Institut Bonn | Galaxy Clusters |