Uli Katz
Prof. Dr. Uli Katz
- Monika FinkRoom: Room 02.039
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 2
91058 Erlangen- Phone number: +49 9131 85-70722
- Email: monika.fink@physik.uni-erlangen.de
Current Research Projects
KM3NeT – a future km³-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea
To fully exploit the scientific potential of neutrino astronomy, neutrino telescopes of cubic-kilometre scale will be required. The first such detector (IceCube) is currently under construction at the South Pole. In order to achieve full sky coverage and to be able to observe the Galactic Centre, a complementary detector of this size – KM3NeT – shall be built in the Mediterranean Sea.The European deep-sea neutrino projects, ANTARES, NEMO and NESTOR, are jointly working towards the implementation of the KM3NeT detector. A 3-year FP6 Design Study running since 2006 aims at producing the Technical Design Report for the KM3NeT detector. The remaining legal, governance, organisational and funding issues are to be addressed in a 3-year FP7-funded Preparatory Phase project that started in 2008. If all open questions are settled in due time, KM3NeT construction could thus commence in 2011.KM3NeT will also provide the infrastructure for research projects of other science communities, such as biologists, environmental scientists, geologists/geophysicists and oceanographers.KM3NeT is included in the 2006 and 2008 Roadmaps of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).Since Oct. 2003: European coordinator of the KM3NeT Design Study, spokesperson of the KM3NeT consortium. Since 2008: coordinator of the two work packages Data and Control and User Support and Impact Assessment of the KM3NeT Preparatory Phase.
ANTARES – cosmic neutrinos in the Mediterranean Sea
The ANTARES experiment is fully operational since May 2008. It is constructed to detect high-energy cosmic and atmospheric neutrinos by measuring the Cerenkov light emitted in the water of the Mediterranean Sea by the charged leptons (electrons, muons) produced in charged-current reactions of the neutrinos. The detector consists of a large volume of sea water in about 2 kilometres depth off the shore of Toulon, instrumented with photomultipliers optimised for detecting upward-going neutrinos. The physics goals of this experiment, and of the even larger next-generation successor project, are amongst others:
- Search for point sources of cosmic neutrinos and for diffuse neutrino flux from the universe;
- Measurement of the energy spectrum of neutrinos in the range from a few 10 GeV to about 1 PeV;
- Search for the annihilation of WIMPs (e.g. neutralinos) which may be gravitationally trapped in the centre of our galaxy, in the sun or in the earth;
- Search for exotic phenomena, such as magnetic monopoles or nuclearites.
Member of the ANTARES Collaboration since November 2001. Contributions to the ANTARES detector; participation in the ANTARES simulation, reconstruction and data analysis work; contributions to the detector integration (LED beacons, clock cards, acoustic detection test system).
2002-2005 responsible for the coordination of the R&D work towards a future cubic kilometre detector in ANTARES and member of the ANTARES Steering Committee.
AMADEUS – towards acoustic detection of neutrinos
One major contribution of the Erlangen group to ANTARES was the development of the AMADEUS system for testing the feasibility of a future large-scale detector for acoustic detection of neutrinos with energies in the EeV range and above. AMADEUS stands for “Antares Modules for Acoustic Detection under the Sea”; the system comprises 36 hydrophones including their readout chain. Data are continuously digitised and sent to shore, where they are processed by an online filter.
- Design, construction, testing and operation of the AMADEUS system was and is done mainly in Erlangen.
- Data analysis is in progress. The first results confirm that the system works according to specifications.
H.E.S.S. – a Cherenkov telescope for TeV gamma rays
H.E.S.S. (for High-Energy Stereoscopic System) consists of four telescopes in the Khomas plateau in Namibia, each with a total mirror area of 108 square metres. These telescopes record the Cherenkov light produced by the electromagnetic cascades that evolve when a high-energy photon enters the atmosphere. The stereoscopic observation mode allows for a precise direction reconstruction. The typical energy range is between a few 100 GeV and about 100 TeV.Many exciting observations and discoveries were made with H.E.S.S. In 2007, the collaboration was awarded the European Descartes prize.Currently, a fifth telescope is under construction, centred between the first four ones and much larger than these. With this telescope, the sensitivity of H.E.S.S., in particular at the lower end of the energy spectrum, will be significantly increased.The H.E.S.S. and MAGIC collaborations aim at constructing a much larger array of Cherenkov telescopes, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). This project is included in the 2008 Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).Member of the H.E.S.S. collaboration since 2006.
Former Research Projects
ZEUS – an ep experiment at HERA
Member of the ZEUS Collaboration since 1993. Contributions to analyses of deep-inelastic ep scattering and to searches for new phenomena. Participation in planning, design and software development for the new microvertex detector.
Exotics and Rare Phenomena
Coordinator of the ZEUS working group High Q² and Exotics (1995-97) and of the successor group Exotics and Rare Phenomena (1998-99). Contributions to several analyses in these groups.Data analysis to search for contact interaction in the ZEUS e+p data (1999):
Search for Contact Interactions in Deep Inelastic e+p -> e+X Scattering at HERA Monograph (2000):
Deep Inelastic Positron-Proton Scattering in the High-Momentum-Transfer Regime of HERA
Published in Springer Tracts in Modern Physics. -
The Microvertex Detector (MVD)
Simplified simulation and reconstruction software to support decisions in design phase. Contributions to proposal and project planning.Sept. 1999 – March 2001: coordinator of the MVD-Offline activities.
In the framework of the TESLA TDR we studied the option to collide electrons from TESLA with protons from HERA to produce ep reactions with a centre-of-mass energy of about 1 TeV. These studies have been summarised in an Appendix to the TESLA TDR and resulted in a detailed investigation of the the physics potential of ep collisions at this energy, the THERA Book.Co-Convenor of the detector group of the THERA study.Co-Editor for the THERA contribution to the the TESLA Technical Design Report (Jan./Feb. 2001) and for the THERA Book (DESY-LC-REV-2001-062, Dec. 2001).
Terms from 2014 onwards
Summer term 2015 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 2
Introductory course for physics students, part 2.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Additional information (in German) - Mathematical Methods in Physics 2
Accompanying Experimental Physics 2.
2 hours, in German. - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, S. Funk, U. Heber, A. Kappes, T. Michel, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
Per seminar: One talk (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group per week. - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with F. Lammermann, U. Schellhorn, K. Waldmann)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Additional information (in German)
Winter term 2014 ⁄ 15 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 1 – Introductory course for physics students, part 1.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Additional information (in German) - Mathematical Methods in Physics 1Accompanying Experimental Physics 1.
2 hours, in German. - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics (in English)
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, I. Jung, C. van Eldik, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
Per seminar: One talk (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group per week. - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with N. Graser, U. Schellhorn, S. van Wagensveld)Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.Additional information (in German)
Summer term 2014 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Integrated Course 3
The integrated courses are for students in the research study course. They combine one experimental and one theoretical lecture each. In the third course, these are nuclear and particle physics (my contribution) and quantum field theory (by Andreas Döring).
Nuclear and particle physics: 4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Additional information (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, T. Michel, C. van Eldik, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
Additional information - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with U. Schellhorn, S. van Wagensveld, M. Wagenpfeil)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Winter term 2013 ⁄ 14 (Univ. Erlangen) – Sabbatical
- Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics (in English)
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, I. Jung-Richardt, C. van Eldik, J. Wilms)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
One talk (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group per week.
Additional information (in German) - Journal Club (together with K. Graf)
Seminar to discuss present and past publications from astro, particle and astroparticle physics.
3 hours presentation and discussion, in German and English
Additional information (in German)
- Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with U. Schellhorn, M. Wagenpfeil)
Course with practical exercises. 2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Additional information (in German)
Former Terms
Summer term 2013 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 2
Introductory course for physics students, part 2.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.Additional information (in German) - Mathematical Methods in Physics 2
Accompanying Experimental Physics 2.
2 hours, in German. - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, I. Jung, C. van Eldik, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.Additional information (in German)
Winter term 2012 ⁄ 13 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 1
Introductory course for physics students, part 1.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Additional information (in German) - Mathematical Methods in Physics 1
Accompanying Experimental Physics 1.
2 hours, in German. - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics (in English)
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, I. Jung, C. van Eldik, J. Wilms)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
One talk (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group per week. - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with B. Hacker, U. Schellhorn, M. Wagenpfeil)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Additional information (in German)
Summer term 2012 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 2
Introductory course for physics students, part 2.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Additional information (in German) - Mathematical Methods in Physics 2
Accompanying Experimental Physics 2.
2 hours, in German. - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, C. van Eldik, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
Additional information (in German) - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with T. Weber)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Additional information (in German)
Winter term 2011 ⁄ 12 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 1
Introductory course for physics students, part 1.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Additional information (in German) - Mathematical Methods in Physics 1
Accompanying Experimental Physics 1.
2 hours, in German. - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with T. Weber)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Summer term 2011 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
Information, program (in German) - Journal Club
(together with K. Graf)
Seminar to discuss present and past publications from astro, particle and astroparticle physics.
3 hours presentation and discussion, in German and English
Information, program (in German) - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with F. Fürst and T. Weber)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Winter term 2010 ⁄ 11 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Astroparticle Physics
Elective course for Bachelor and Master students in physics
2 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Advanced Particle and Astroparticle Physics
(together with G. Anton, C. van Eldik and C. Stegmann)
Compulsory course for Master students in physics
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with F. Fürst and T. Weber)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Summer term 2010 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics (EP-5)
(together with A. Kappes)
Fifth lecture in the cycle of experimental physics courses for Bachelor students in physics.
2 hours with 1 hour of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Supplementary course on Nuclear and Prticle Physics
(together with A. Kappes)
Supplementary and advanced topics in particle physics for Bachelor students in physics.
2 hours with 1 hour of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, C. Stegmann, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German) - Introduction to Scientific Typesetting with LaTeX
(together with F. Fürst and S. Sporer)
Course with practical exercises.
2 hours in the physics computer pool.
Winter term 2009 ⁄ 10 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Astroparticle Physics
Elective course for Bachelor students in physics
2 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, C. Stegmann, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2009 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Fifth lecture in the cycle of experimental physics courses for Bachelor students in physics.
2 hours with 1 hour of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2008 ⁄ 09 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Astroparticle Physics
Special lecture for physics students after the pre-diploma.
2 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, C. Stegmann, J. Wilms)
Two seminars on topical questions of astro and particle physics.
For each seminar, one talk per week (about 45 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2008 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Last lecture in the 6-term cycle of experimental physics courses.
4 hours with 2 hours of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2007 ⁄ 08 (Univ. Erlangen) – Sabbatical
Summer term 2007 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 2
Introductory course for physics students, part 2.
4 hours with 2 hours of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2006 ⁄ 07 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 1
Introductory course for physics students, part 1.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, K. Rith, C. Stegmann and J. Wilms)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics. One talk per week (about 60 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2006 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 2
Introductory course for physics students, part 2.
4 hours with 2 hours of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2005 ⁄ 06 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics 1
Introductory course for physics students, part 1.
4 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, K. Rith and C. Stegmann)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics. One talk per week (about 60 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2005 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Last lecture in the 6-term cycle of experimental physics courses.
4 hours with 2 hours of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2004 ⁄ 05 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Structure of Matter I: Atoms and Molecules
Lecture for teacher training students (gymnasium) after the pre-exam and for students of other subjects with minor physics.
2 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Astroparticle Physics
Special lecture for physics students after the pre-diploma.
2 hours with 2 hours exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, C. Rembser, K. Rith)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics. One talk per week (about 60 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2004 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics for Natural Scientists 2
Second part of a two-semester introduction to experimental physics for students of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, informatics, molecular science.
5 hours with 1 hour exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Topical Issues in Astro-Particle Physics
Recent astro-particle publications, in particular in the field of neutrino astronomy, are discussed in presentations of 30-45 minutes. One talk per week.
List of talks, dates, participants (in German)
Winter term 2003 ⁄ 04 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics for Natural Scientists 1
First part of a two-semester introduction to experimental physics for students of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, informatics, molecular science.
4 hours with 1 hour exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, W. Eyrich, U. Heber, K. Rith)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics. One talk per week (about 60 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German) - Seminar on Topical Issues in Astro-Particle Physics
Recent astro-particle publications, in particular in the field of neutrino astronomy, are discussed in presentations of 30-45 minutes. One talk per week.
List of talks, dates, participants (in German)
Summer term 2003 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics for Natural Scientists 2
Second part of the two-semester introduction to experimental physics for students of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, informatics, nutrition chemistry, molecular science.
5 hours with 1 hour exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Topical Issues in Astro-Particle Physics
Recent astro-particle publications, in particular in the field of neutrino astronomy, are discussed in presentations of 30-45 minutes. One talk per week.
List of talks, dates, participants (in German)
Winter term 2002 ⁄ 03 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics for Natural Scientists 1
First part of a two-semester introduction to experimental physics for students of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, informatics, molecular science.
4 hours with 1 hour exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro and Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, W. Eyrich, U. Heber, K. Rith)
Seminar on topical questions of astro and particle physics. One talk per week (about 60 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2002 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics for Natural Scientists 2
Second part of the two-semester introduction to experimental physics for students of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, informatics, nutrition chemistry, molecular science, pharmacy.
5 hours with 1 hour exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2001 ⁄ 02 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Experimental Physics for Natural Scientists 1
First part of a two-semester introduction to experimental physics for students of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, informatics, nutrition chemistry, molecular science, pharmacy.
4 hours with 1 hour exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German) - Seminar on Astro-Particle Physics
(together with G. Anton, U. Heber, K. Rith)
Seminar on topical questions of astro-particle physics. One talk per week (about 60 minutes) and 3 hours of working group.
List of talks, dates, tutors (in German)
Summer term 2001 (Univ. Erlangen)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Last lecture in the 6-term cycle of experimental physics courses.
4 hours with 2 hours of exercises, in German.
Information, program, exercises (in German)
Winter term 2000 ⁄ 01 (Univ. Bonn)
- Preparatory course for physics (together with Achim Stahl)
Introduction to basic mathematical methods for beginner students in natural sciences, in particular in physics.
4-29. Sept. 2000, 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercises per day, in German language.
Summer term 2000 (Univ. Bonn)
- Mathematical methods
Lecture complementing the compulsory introductory course Physics II.
2 hours, no exercises, in German language.
The goal is to discuss basics and applications of the mathematical methods needed for the introduction to mechanics and electromagnetism.
Information, program, script
Summer term 1999 (Univ. Bonn)
- Particle Physics I
Compulsory lecture, 2 hours with 2 hours of exercises in groups.
For students of the 6th semester and above.
Lectures given both in English and in German language.
Exercises and information
Winter term 1996/97 (Univ. Bonn)
- Statistical Methods of Data Analysis
Lecture, 2 hours including seminars and exercises, in German language.
This newly designed lecture in the series Experimental Metods of Particle Physics included practice-oriented exercises at UNIX workstations in which the students could apply the methods discussed in the lecture and acquire first computing experiences.
Curriculum Vitae
Some Dates in my CV
- July 1978
Abitur at the Asam-Gymnasium, Munich. - 1984
Diploma exam, Technical University, Munich. - Sept. 1986
Submission of diploma thesis
Test of the PCAC Hypothesis in Neutrino and Antineutrino Reactions with Final-State Muon (in German). - April 1987 – June 1987
Stay at FNAL (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Chicago, USA), participation in data taking of the bubble chamber experiment E632. - 7. April 1992
Final doctorial exam, TU Munich; doctorate in physics.
PhD Thesis:
Determination of the Parton Distributions in the Proton Using Neutrino and Antineutrino Scattering on Hydrogen and Deuterium (in German) . - April 1993 – March 2001
Postdoc in the ZEUS group of Prof. E. Hilger, University of Bonn. - Aug. 1995 – Sept. 1997
Coordinator of the ZEUS physics group High Q² and Exotics. - July 1998
Habilitation and assignation of the venia legendi, University of Bonn;
Habilitation thesis:
Deep Inelastic Positron-Proton Scattering in the High-Momentum-Transfer Regime of HERA. - Aug. 1998 – Sept. 1999
Coordinator of the ZEUS physics group Exotics and Rare Phenomena. - Okt. 1998
Appointment to “Oberassistent” (C2), University of Bonn. - Dec. 1998
Inaugural lecture, Member of the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, University of Bonn. - Sept. 1999 – April 2001
Offline-coordinator of the ZEUS silicon microvertex detector project. - Feb. 2000 – Nov. 2001
Participation in a study of a TESLA+HERA accelerator combination to produce ep reactions at a center-of-mass energy of 1 TeV. Co-editor of the THERA contribution to the TESLA Technical Design Report (TDR) and of The THERA Book. - Sept. 2000
Publication of the monograph
Deep Inelastic Positron-Proton Scattering in the High-Momentum-Transfer Regime of HERA
(Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 168) - Feb./March 2001
Standing as a candidate for the ZEUS deputy spokesmanship (retracted because of the offer from Erlangen). - Apr. 2001 – Sept. 2003
Substituting a C4 professorship in the physics institute of the University of Erlangen. - since Nov. 2001
Member of the ANTARES collaboration. - July 2002 – Nov. 2004
Coordinator of the future cubic kilometer detector project in ANTARES. - since Oct. 2003
Full professor, chair of astroparticle physics, Univ. Erlangen. - since Oct. 2003
European coordinater and spokesperson of the KM3NeT Consortium. - since March 2004
EU evaluator for the Marie Curie programme. - Oct. 2004 – Sept. 2007
Member of the Council of the Faculty 1 of Natural Sciences of the University of Erlangen. - since Sept. 2005
Member of the Peer Review Committee (PRC) of the Astroparticle Physics European Coordination (ApPEC). - Sept. 2006 – Sept. 2008
Coordinator of the working group High-Energy Neutrinos of the AStroParticle European Research Area networks (ASPERA). - Oct. 2007 – Sept. 2009
Representative of the Faculty of Natural Sciences in the senate of the University of Erlangen. - Oct. 2007 – Sept. 2009
Deputy chair of the board of directors of the Department for Physics, University of Erlangen. - since Oct. 2009
Speaker and chair of the board of directors of the Department for Physics, University of Erlangen. - since Oct. 2009
Deputy dean and member of the governing board of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Erlangen.
Selected Talks
Conferences, Workshops, Schools, Panels
2016-07-11-UliKatz_Wuppertal_16 |
![]() Physics Colloquium, University of Wuppertal, 11.07.2016: |
2016-07-11_UliKatz_Wuppertal_16 |
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2016-06-21-UliKatz_Heidelberg_16 |
![]() Particle physics Colloquium, University of Heidelberg, 21.06.2016: |
2016-06-21_UliKatz_Heidelberg_16 |
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2016-01-13-UliKatz_Chemnitz_16 |
![]() Physics Colloquium, TU Chemnitz, 13.01.2016: |
2016-01-13_UliKatz_Chemnitz_16 |
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2016-01-08-UliKatz_vhepa16 |
![]() Very High Energy Particle Astronomy (VHEPA) workshop, Honolulu, 08.01.2016: |
2015-04-22-UliKatz_appec-technology15 |
![]() APPEC Technology Forum, Munich, Germany, 22.04.2015: |
2015-04-22_UliKatz_appec-technology15 |
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2015-01-17-UliKatz_PhysikSamstag_15 |
![]() Modern Physics at Saturday mornings, Department of Physics, FAU, 17.01.2015: |
2015-01-17_UliKatz_PhysikSamstag_15 |
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2013-12-03-UliKatz_NSchmitz80 |
![]() Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, 03.12.2013 |
2013-12-03-UliKatz_mpi |
![]() Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, 03.12.2013 |
2013-10-13-UliKatz_mants13 |
![]() Mediterranean and Antarctic Neutrino Telescope Symposium (MANTS), Garching, Germany, 13.10.2013: |
2013-08-07-UliKatz_vlvnt13 |
![]() 6th Workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrrino Telescopes (VLVnT13), Stockholm, Sweden, 07.08.2013: |
2013-04-26-UliKatz_Chios13 |
![]() Conference on Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Chios, Greece, 26.04.2013: |
2013-04-18-UliKatz_Heidelberg13 |
![]() Meeting in Celebration of Werner Hofmann's 60th Birthday: Frontiers in High-Energy Particle Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Heidelberg, Germany, 18.04.2013: |
2013-03-15-UliKatz_Venice13 |
![]() XV International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, Venice, Italy, 15.03.2013: |
2013-03-04-UliKatz_dpg13 |
![]() Spring meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dresden, Germany, 04.03.2013: |
2013-02-27-UliKatz_Manchester13 |
![]() Seminar, University of Manchester, School of Physics and Astronomy, Manchester, UK, 27.02.2013: |
2012-06-01-UliKatz_vulcano12 |
![]() Vulcano Workshop 2012: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Vulcano, Eolian Islands, Italy, 01.06.12: |
2012-05-25-UliKatz_deepocean12 |
![]() ASPERA Workshop on Deep Ocean Cabled Observatories, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25.05.12: |
2012-05-14-UliKatz_cern12 |
![]() Workshop on European Strategy for Neutrino Oscillation Physics II, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 14.05.12: |
2011-11-07-UliKatz_nnn11 |
![]() 12th Int. Workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN11), Zurich, Switzerland, 07.11.11: |
2011-10-28-UliKatz_neumarkt11 |
![]() Neumarkt/Oberpfalz, observatory, 28.10.2011: |
2010-09-17-UliKatz_erice10 |
![]() Int. School on Nuclear Physics, 32nd Course: Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics, Erice, Sicily, 17.09.10: |
2010-05-28-UliKatz_vulcano10_proc |
![]() Vulcano Workshop 2010: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Vulcano, Eolian Islands, Italy, 28.05.10: |
2010-05-28-UliKatz_vulcano10 |
![]() Vulcano Workshop 2010: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Vulcano, Eolian Islands, Italy, 28.05.10: |
2010-05-04-UliKatz_rich10_proc |
![]() Int. Workshop on Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2010), Cassis, France, 04.05.10: |
2010-05-04-UliKatz_rich10 |
![]() Int. Workshop on Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2010), Cassis, France, 04.05.10: |
2010-04-09-UliKatz_HPGD_heidelberg10 |
![]() Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg, 06.-09.04.10: |
2010-02-26-UliKatz_APD_zeuthen10 |
![]() Astroparticle Physics in Germany, Zeuthen, 26.02.10: |
2009-10-14-UliKatz_vlvnt09_proc |
![]() VLVnT09 Workshop, Athens, Greece, 14.10.09: |
2009-10-14-UliKatz_vlvnt09 |
![]() VLVnT09 Workshop, Athens, Greece, 14.10.09: |
2009-07-16-UliKatz_CollegiumAlexandrinum09 |
![]() Collegium Alexandrinum, University of Erlangen, 16.07.09: |
2009-03-06-UliKatz_nikhef09 |
![]() Nikhef, Colloquium, 06.03.09: |
2008-09-11-UliKatz_now08 |
![]() Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2008 (NOW 2008), Conca Specchiulla ⁄ Otranto, Italy, 11.09.08: |
2008-04-22-UliKatz_vlvnt08_proc |
![]() VLVnT08 Workshop, Toulon, 22.04.08: |
2007-06-05-UliKatz_oxford07 |
![]() University of Oxford, Elementary Particle Physics Seminar, 05.06.07: |
2007-03-09-UliKatz_ESFRI_0703 |
![]() 20th ESFRI Meeting, Brussels, 09.03.07: |
2007-03-01-UliKatz_CTA07 |
![]() CTA-Meeting, Paris, 01.03.07: |
2006-11-30-UliKatz_bonn06 |
![]() University of Bonn, Physics Colloquium of the ISKP, 30.11.06: |
2006-11-21-UliKatz_bayreuth06 |
![]() University of Bayreuth, Physics Colloquium, 21.11.06: |
2006-09-16-UliKatz_idm06 |
![]() 6th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter (IDM06), Rhodes Island, 16.09.06: |
2006-07-20-UliKatz_aspera_0607 |
![]() ASPERA kick-off meeting, Paris, 20.07.06: |
2006-06-19-UliKatz_Neutrino06 |
![]() Neutrino 2006 Conference, Santa Fe, USA, 19.06.06: |
2005-11-24-UliKatz_esfri_05 |
![]() ESFRI "Astronomy & Astroparticles" Panel, Brussels, 24.11.05: |
2005-11-09-UliKatz_vlvnt2_proc |
![]() VLVnT2 Workshop, Catania, Sicily, 09.11.05: |
2005-11-09-UliKatz_vlvnt2 |
![]() VLVnT2 Workshop, Catania, Sicily, 09.11.05: |
2005-10-UliKatz_ATSchule04 |
![]() School for Astroparticle Physics, Obertrubach-Bärnfels, Germany, 6-15.10.04: |
2005-09-23-UliKatz_erice05_proc |
![]() International School on Nuclear Physics, 27th Course, Erice, Sicily, 23.09.05: |
2005-09-23-UliKatz_erice05 |
![]() International School on Nuclear Physics, 27th Course, Erice, Sicily, 23.09.05: |
2005-03-18-UliKatz_neumarkt05 |
![]() Neumarkt/Oberpfalz, observatory: "A little closer to the sky", 18.03.05: |
2005-03-10-UliKatz_benasque05 |
![]() 33rd International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Benasque, Spain, 10.03.05: |
2005-02-21-UliKatz_groningen05 |
![]() Groningen/NL, KVI Seminar, 21.02.05: |
2004-12-22-UliKatz_DESY-Zeuthen |
![]() DESY Zeuthen, Physics Seminar, 22.12.04: |
2004-12-21-UliKatz_DESY |
![]() DESY Hamburg, Tuesday Seminar, 21.12.04: |
2004-09-28-UliKatz_HESS04 |
![]() H.E.S.S. Open Workshop, Heja Lodge, Namibia, 28.09.04: |
2004-09-15-UliKatz_pisa04 |
![]() INFN/University of Pisa, Seminar, 15.09.04: |
2003-11-25-UliKatz_appec_0311 |
![]() ApPEC Design Study Workshop, Munich, Germany, 25.11.03: |
2003-10-08-UliKatz_vlvnt |
![]() VLVNT Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 08.10.03: |
2003-07-17-UliKatz_aachen03_proc |
![]() EPS-HEP Conference, Aachen, Germany, 17.07.03: |
2003-07-17-UliKatz_aachen03 |
![]() EPS-HEP Conference, Aachen, Germany, 17.07.03: |
2003-06-17-UliKatz_hena03 |
![]() HENA Workshop, Paris, France, 17.06.03: |
2002-10-12-UliKatz_erlehrer02 |
![]() Advanced Training Courses for Physics Teachers, Erlangen, 12.10.02: |
2002-06-03-UliKatz_beyond02_proc |
![]() Beyond the Desert 02, Oulu, Finland, 03.06.02: |
2002-05-31-UliKatz_freiburg02 |
![]() Physics Seminar, Univ. Freiburg, 31.05.02: |
2001-09-UliKatz_split01 |
![]() Adriatic School on Particle Physics and Physics Informatics, Split, Croatia, 11-21.09.01: |
2001-06-03-UliKatz_beyond02 |
![]() Beyond the Desert 02, Oulu, Finland, 03.06.02: |
2000-09-UliKatz_mlaach00 |
![]() HEP School, Maria Laach, Germany, 5-15.09.00: |
2000-05-05-UliKatz_padova00 |
![]() ECFA/DESY Linear Collider Workshop, Padova, 05.05.00: |
1999-10-18-UliKatz_aachen99 |
![]() Physics Colloquium, RWTH Aachen, 18.10.99: |
1999-06-19-UliKatz_beyond99 |
![]() Beyond the Desert 99, Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, 10.06.99: |
1999-06-10-UliKatz_beyond99_proc |
![]() Beyond the Desert 99, Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, 10.06.99: |
1998-12-02-UliKatz_antr-vorl_98 |
![]() Univ. Bonn, 02.12.98: |
1998-08-13-UliKatz_slac98_proc |
![]() Slac Summer Institute 98 (SSI98), 13.08.98: |
1998-08-13-UliKatz_slac98 |
![]() Slac Summer Institute 98 (SSI98), 13.08.98: |
1998-07-01-UliKatz_habil-kol_98 |
![]() Habilitation Colloquium, Univ. Bonn, 01.07.98: |
1998-05-26-UliKatz_genter98 |
![]() GIF/Minerva symposium, Jerusalem, 26.05.98: |
1997-03-04-UliKatz_cern97 |
![]() CERN seminar, Genf, 04.03.97: |